A home away from home for parents, brothers and sisters of (seriously) ill children, at a walking distance from the hospital. In a nutshell, that is the defenition of a Ronald McDonald House.
The Dutch Ronald McDonald Kinderfonds is responsable for all the Ronald McDonald Houses in The Netherlands. This charity organization does not receive any subsidy or government funding and fully depends on volunteers, sponsors and donors.
For the fifth year already Homeride organizes a special bycicle run to raise funds for the Ronald McDonalds Houses in the Netherlands. Many Dutch teams are cycling a distance of 500 km in 24 hours tru our country to raise money for this wonderfull charity event.
We, as Robo Educational Toys, sponsor our local team, “Watergeuzen Brielle”, in their quest to raise as much money as they canfor the Ronald McDonald House in Rotterdam. This event will take place on 27 & 28 June 2015.
Would you like to know more about this charity run, Homeride.nl, Ronald McDonald Kinderfonds or Ronald McDonald homes please click on the links below.
To information charity run
To information Homeride
Factsheet Ronald McDonald Kinderfonds
To information Ronald McDonald Homes