Now available: Time Timer MOD Sprint Edition!
Discover how the Time Timer MOD Sprint Edition helps teams run better, smarter meetings.
As featured in “Sprint”, by Jake Knapp, the Time Timer MOD Sprint Edition comes with a handy Quick Start Guide that highlights the key principles of a “design sprint” framework as developed by Google teams across the industry. As Google developers explain, “Design sprints are a framework for teams of any size to solve and test design problems in 2-5 days.”
Ready to get your team started on their design sprint? The book “Sprint” can be ordered on
Like “Sprint”, the Time Timer MOD Sprint Edition is coming very soon!
The Time Timer MOD Sprint Edition with the handy Quick Start Guide is now available.
In the meantime, take a look at the Time Timer MOD to learn more about this great time management and sense-of-urgency creating tool. Only the Time Timer MOD Sprint Edition includes the Quick Start Guide – but the original Time Timer MOD has all the same teamwork and efficiency benefits.
For further details, here’s our very own Heather Rogers explaining the book, Sprint, the Time Timer MOD Sprint Edition and the QuickStart Guide.