Designed to support individuals with autism, Social Stories were developed in 1990 by Carol Gray, a leading consultant to children, adolescents, and adults with autism. Social Stories describe events, activities, social norms, and managing expectations for kids with autism, ADD, or ADHD. Social Stories feature illustrations and short text that are purposely made simple so that anyone can easily read and understand them. They specifically help with:

  • Comprehending and following rules and routines
  • Identifying important social cues
  • Promoting self-awareness
  • Understanding how behavior impacts others
  • Transitions into Tasks or new places

Who Social Stories Are For:

They are designed to benefit those with:

  • Developmental delays
  • Social issues
  • Autism
  • In Early Childhood

What Age Groups Are Social Stories For:

Social Stories have been effective with learners in preschool (3-5 years) to high school (15-22 years). But will assist with all ages:

  • Early Learning Aged
  • Preschool Aged
  • Elementary Aged
  • Young Adults

Who Can Create A Social Story?

Anyone can create a Social Story, but they should aim to create a Social Story that is clear, helpful, and accurate. Oftentimes, a Social Story is personalized in that it is written for a specific child to address a certain need. A story may be written by a parent, caretaker, friend, or the child, and could benefit from a collaboration. An acceptable Social Story springs not only from experience and observation but research and evidence as well.

Time Timer Social Stories

You will see from the Social Stories below that a story focuses on one topic and creates positive associations with expected or acceptable behaviors.

Timmy Timer’s Magic Time Timer

Introduce the Time Timer visual timer to your classroom and show them how you will be using the timer by reading the Timmy timer’s Magic Time Timer social story

I Can Wash My Hands

I Can Wash My Hands is a social story helping people understand how to properly wash hands properly in a fun and memorable way. Follow Timmy Timer through his process of washing his hands, and getting rid of germs, using the Time Timer WASH handwashing timer.

Taking Turns in Our Classroom

Taking Turns in Our Classroom is a social story to help students understand how to share and take turns in the classroom while using the Time Timer. Follow Timmy Timer through the process of setting the Time Timer to help students take turns with a toy they both want to play with.